Here are some of the life-changing stories unfolding at Roshan. We hope they will inspire and encourage you.

Since Roshan’s first day of school on December 1, 2014, over 700 students and more than 80 graduates have come through Roshan’s doors, finding hope and healing through education. More than 200 volunteers and staff have walked tirelessly with Roshan students to help them pursue brighter futures.

Our Stories Roshan Learning Our Stories Roshan Learning

Building Resilience through Social-Emotional Learning

In line with our efforts to create a safe, healing and learning environment, Roshan has been working to integrate Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) into our curriculum and teaching. SEL involves the development of emotional self-regulation, positive relationship-building, goal-setting, and encouraging other healthy behaviors. We believe that SEL will better equip our students to deal with life’s challenges, helping them to heal and become more resilient.

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Our Stories Roshan Learning Our Stories Roshan Learning

Brewing New Possibilities: Roshan Roast

As a Roshan Roast apprentice, Mustafa is developing his professional skills as he manages the day-to-day operations, sales, and marketing of Roshan Roast through both online and offline channels. He is also finding his network growing as he meets and works with people from different cultural and vocational backgrounds.

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Our Stories Roshan Learning Our Stories Roshan Learning

The Beginnings of Hope: GED Support Program

A dream so far away it once seemed impossible to achieve. Many refugees in Indonesia have been isolated from formal education for many long years, but 40 students now have the opportunity to earn their General Education Diploma (GED), a certificate equivalent to a U.S. high school diploma through Roshan’s GED Support Program.

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Our Stories Roshan Learning Our Stories Roshan Learning

Growing & Going Together: Girls Gang

Being a woman comes with gifts, but also challenges, especially if one is living with many limitations. Early on, many refugee girls at Roshan had regular classes but socializing, sports, and other activities were nonexistent for most of them. The Roshan “Girls Gang” (GG) was created by young girls and women at Roshan as a safe environment to combat isolation, support one another, build trusting friendships, and develop leadership skills.

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